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Wadhams to Avoca Trail

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The Wadhams to Avoca Trail utilizes more than 12 miles of a historic rail line formerly owned by the CSX Company. The trail offers a variety of opportunities for walkers, cyclists and even horseback riders. The scenic beauty of the Wadhams to Avoca Trail also makes it great place to do some bird watching or see the fall colors.
The centerpiece of the trail is the 640-foot long Mill Creek Trestle. Built in the late 1800's, the 60-foot high trestle has been decked and railed to provide safe access for walkers and bicyclists. Four overlook areas have also been installed on the trestle so the trail users can enjoy the beautiful views up and down the Mill Creek Valley.
Designated off-road parking areas are located at Wadhams Road, Imlay City Road and Avoca Road Trailheads.
The closest parking to the Trestle Bridge is near 8258 Imlay City Rd., Avoca or use this Google Pin for directions.
While on the trail, please be courteous of neighboring residents and cautious of on-road vehicles.
The centerpiece of the trail is the 640-foot long Mill Creek Trestle. Built in the late 1800's, the 60-foot high trestle has been decked and railed to provide safe access for walkers and bicyclists. Four overlook areas have also been installed on the trestle so the trail users can enjoy the beautiful views up and down the Mill Creek Valley.
Designated off-road parking areas are located at Wadhams Road, Imlay City Road and Avoca Road Trailheads.
The closest parking to the Trestle Bridge is near 8258 Imlay City Rd., Avoca or use this Google Pin for directions.
While on the trail, please be courteous of neighboring residents and cautious of on-road vehicles.
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