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Sanborn Park, Nature Area & Swimming Pool

Pine Grove and Sanborn Ave.
Port Huron,
Regions: Port Huron
(810) 984-9760
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Sanborn Park…has great variety in it’s 41.7 acres, with 12 outdoor lighted tennis courts, an outdoor pool facility that boasts a “toddler pool”, dressing room facilities, diving area, swim classes, swim team, swim exercise, etc. This heavily wooded park also has playground equipment, a baseball diamond, outdoor basketball courts and picnic tables. An indoor tennis facility is utilized for lessons by the city during summer months. Located on the northeast corner of the Pine Grove Ave. and Sanborn St. intersection. Sanborn Nature Area…is adjacent to Sanborn Park. Its natural setting has a diversity of plant and animal life and is frequently used by area teachers and organizations as a resource for nature instruction. The trails and bridge add to the unspoiled effect of the area for families and individuals. Located 2 blocks east of the Pine Grove Ave. and Sanborn St. intersection on Sanborn St.
Slide photo by Port Huron Parks & Rec
Slide photo by Port Huron Parks & Rec
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