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Port Hope Historical Sites

8016 Portland Ave.
Port Hope,
Regions: Port Austin
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- Port Hope Depot, built 1904
- Lumberyard Museum of the Thumb
- Stafford Lumber Mill Chimney, built 1853
- The Masonic Temple Hall, built 1867
- Milligan's Store, built 1884
- Dr. R.C. Ogilvie Building, built 1903
- Herman House Hotel, built 1900
- Methodist Church, built 1880
- St. John's Lutheran Church, built 1899
- William R. Stafford Place, built 1866
- Frederick & Elizabeth Stafford House, built 1886
- Isaac Leuty House, built 1874
- Blue Town House, built 1870
- Pointe aux Barques Lighthouse, built 1857
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