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Pine River Nature Center, Trail & Treehouse

2585 Castor Rd.
Regions: Port Huron
(810) 364-5477
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The nature center covers 90 acres of mature hardwood forest, wetland and prairie. The meandering Pine River has cut deep ravines that afford dramatic views of the floodplain below. During May and June, the forest floor is filled with a spectacular spring wildflower display that includes trillium, mayapple and wild geranium.
The Pine River Nature Center has over three miles of trails open daily from dawn until dusk for public use.
Treehouse – Near the center of the property is a treehouse for everyone. The treehouse is accessible to anyone, including people using wheelchairs and those with other mobility issues. The structure, at its farthest point, puts visitors about 30 feet above the ground. The only one of its kind in Michigan, the treehouse is part of the countywide “Access to Recreation” program funded through the Community Foundation of St. Clair County, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the RESA and private donors.
The nature center is adjacent to the Goodells County Park. It is owned and operated by the St. Clair County Regional Educational Services Agency (RESA).
The Pine River Nature Center has over three miles of trails open daily from dawn until dusk for public use.
Treehouse – Near the center of the property is a treehouse for everyone. The treehouse is accessible to anyone, including people using wheelchairs and those with other mobility issues. The structure, at its farthest point, puts visitors about 30 feet above the ground. The only one of its kind in Michigan, the treehouse is part of the countywide “Access to Recreation” program funded through the Community Foundation of St. Clair County, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the RESA and private donors.
The nature center is adjacent to the Goodells County Park. It is owned and operated by the St. Clair County Regional Educational Services Agency (RESA).
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