Guide to Submitting an Event
Thank you so much for listing your event with | Blue Water Area Convention & Visitors Bureau. There is no cost to add your event, it’s a courtesy of the visitors bureau. Your event will not automatically go on our website, our team will review it first. Please allow a few days in advance notification of the event to allow some time to promote the event, the sooner you add it the longer we can promote it.
Events must be located within St. Clair County, Sanilac County, or Huron County. All events must be open to the public and offer entertainment value to visiting guests. As a tourism website, we offer information of interest to those visiting our area. The following types of events do not meet these tourism qualifications:
- Club or Group Meetings
- Job Fairs
- Sales Events
- Political Events
- Networking or Business Events
- Advertising for discounts or specials at a place of business.
- Events requiring pledges for participation.
- Events that are offered to locals or a specific group of people only.
- Garage sales, school sporting events, local school events, church sales or religious/church events.
Our team will notify you by email if approved or denied. Once approved please check out events page to see if your event has been added for any corrections that need to be made. If you have any questions in the meantime contact